Classes & Workshops
A regular practice has been the biggest gift in helping me to remain grounded and connected to myself, others and all that I do and I would love to support you in finding that for yourself. I know it can seem like life keeps getting busier and finding the time or gathering the discipline to just BE with ourselves can seem impossible or too indulgent. In my classes we will move with purpose, not perfection by focusing on mobility over flexibility. No one-armed handstands here!
My Slow Flow class is being offered as in-person or online via Zoom.
18:15 ~ Slow Flow Yoga
Estuary Clinic, Topsham (60 mins)
Starting 29th Oct 2024
18:00 ~ Hatha Yoga
Topsham (60 mins)
Starting Sept 2024 – Venue tbc
18:15 ~ Menopause Yoga & Wellbeing Workshop Estuary Clinic, Topsham
Starting 15th Nov 2024
Online class £5 In-person class £10 Workshop £35
January Offer ~ 4 Classes for the price of 3 (not valid for Workshops)!
10% Discount offered on drop-in class to those on low income, Blue Light Card holders & Devon Air Ambulance volunteers
Slow Flow Yoga – Tuesday at Estuary Clinic 6.15pm ~ 7.15pm
Breathe | Flow | Align
A well-rounded practise, improving strength and flexibility for the whole body. The slower pace helps to create stability and balance whilst activating the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the body’s “rest and digest” system, which can bring a sense of calm and peace.
The mindfulness approach of this class will enable you to observe the sensations in the body and notice the activity of the mind so you can create more space in between thoughts and make a conscious choice as to how to respond to anything that arises, both internal (in the mind) and external (in life).
Monthly Menopause Yoga & Wellbeing Workshops ~ Estuary Clinic, Topsham
Fridays 6.15pm ~ 8.30pm
November 15th
“Embrace Your Glow”
Hot Flushes and Night Sweats, Anger and Irritability
8 Spaces
December 13th
“Nurture Your Inner Calm”
Stress, Anxiety, and Overwhelm
8 Spaces
January 17th
“Reclaim Your Radiance”
Lethargy, Low Mood, Sluggish Digestion, and Weight Gain
8 Spaces
To secure your space, contact Charlotte via Whats App 07846 712086 £35 per workshop
Menopause Yoga & Wellbeing Workshops
This series of workshops will offer an intimate and safe space in which women can find support, acknowledgement and an honouring of their own Menopause journey while helping others on their path by exchanging shared wisdom. You will learn yoga postures, breath practices, and mindful meditations, all specifically chosen to help manage the physical and psychological symptoms of the Menopause. Each workshop will also include deep relaxation with sound healing and a head massage.
Dates: Friday 15 Nov, 13 Dec, 17 Jan, 21 Feb, 21 Mar, 25 Apr.
Times: 6.15 ~ 8.30pm